Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I tried to put a picture of a waterfall on this post....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
But the internet was not cooperating so I gave up.... haha.

Why was a picture of a waterfall relevant? Because that's what our basement resembles right now..... The drainage in our yard leaves a lot to be desired. And with the couple inches of rain we got overnight, I knew our basement would be wet when I rolled out of bed. I did not expect the amount of water we got though. Between towels and our mini carpet cleaner, I sopped up over 20 gallons of water today - in less than 2 hours. At one point, I heard water running down our basement walls..... Behind the nicely painted drywall... which will need to be taken down sometime soon - mold and all that to worry about.

Ugh.... yay home ownership :-P Working on the drainage in the yard is definitely near the top of our To Do List... haha.

Thankfully the rain has stopped, and the water is now only trickling in, as opposed to gushing. Yay!

Spending the rest of my day off reading and vegging on the couch :-) (with periodic trips downstairs to swap out towels)
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